Online Education – For Whom?

People value education a lot. Some would never stop studying until they have reached the highest peak of educational attainment, while others will not stop studying until they have explore every corners of human knowledge. Some people, especially for those who belong to poor nations believe that education is their key to escape from poverty and this is the reason why they continue to search for possibilities to study. Technology has influenced the advancement in education. There are a lot of improvements in education brought by the advancements in technology. This is of course, possible because of the growing and changing needs of the people.The online type of education is one of the advancements in education brought by technology. When online education is just starting, there were a lot of debates. Some education experts said that this type of education will not last and this is killing the essence of education. While some would say, especially those who are in favor of online education, is that indeed this type of education is helping a lot of people who want to learn but cannot do so because of many constraints included here are the Online Bachelor’s Degree and Online Masters Degree. Because this type of education is new to everyone, a lot of questions arose during its starting years. The question of who will be the prime beneficiaries of this type of education is the question that will be tackled in this article.Online studying offers Bachelors degree and Masters Degree. Hence, they are now called Online Bachelor’s Degree and Online Masters Degree.In a traditional education, bachelor’s degree is the first degree offered in college education, aside from certificate degrees and diploma. In some countries, where college education is a little bit high in cost, students opt to work and study at the same time. If the working student will pursue an online bachelor’s degree, it will be easier for him to balance his work and education since online education offers students a kind of learning which they can acquire anytime and anywhere. The resources and reading materials are also available online. Only a few online teachers require students to buy a book for reference in their studies.Masters degree is another degree offered in the college level next to bachelor’s degree. Usually, masters’ degree is needed by people who are already working because they need further knowledge as they go through with their career. Still, online education is the best option for these working people. Online masters’ degrees are more rampant compared to online bachelors’ degree. This is because online masters’ degree is widely-used by people engaging in online education. Just like those working students who are pursuing online bachelors’ degree, online masters’ degree is beneficial for those people who have established careers already because they can learn anytime and anywhere. Some employers also appreciate the benefits of this type of education. This is the reason why some employers who require masters’ degree to their top employees recommend online education. Perhaps, they still want their top employees to perform well in the company while pursuing a master’s degree. Because with this, there is no hassle of going to class, taking leaves from work because of exams, etc. Online Masters Degree is also favorable for those who have their own families. Since they still hold their time, they can study and at the same time give quality time for their families.

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